Thursday, October 30, 2008


Diet is very important in diabetic treatment.This not only will help to control your blood sugar but also
will control your weight and lower ther risk of heart desease.

* Eat regular meals.
* Eat high fibre starchy foods like whole grain bread or brown rice.(par boiled rice)
* Cut down the facts partcularly animal fats.Change to low fat milk (semi skimmed or skimmed milk)
Use less butter or margerine. Grill,Steam or oven bake than fry. Use oils like Sunflower or Soya
if necessary.Eat fewer pastries & cakes.

* Eat plenty of fruit & vegetables.Spread these through out the day.
* Avoid sugar and sugar drinks. Try using artificial sweetners instead if really necessary.
* Use less sal.
* Use alcohol only in moderation ( 2-3 units/day) - A unit of alcohol is either 1/2 pint of beer or 1
small glass of wine.
* Reduce weight if you are over weight.

Diabetes is a life long disease.Hence the dietry changes should also be life long.! It may be necessary to see a dietician to get specific advice depending on your dietry habits.

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